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MonaLisa Touch® FAQs

MonaLisa Touch is a new treatment that uses fractional CO2 laser energy to treat the symptoms you may be experiencing. MonaLisa Touch is a medical laser that delivers controlled energy to the tissue so cells make more collagen. This is an outpatient procedure that may have great success in resolving certain common post-menopausal issues. If you are interested in learning more about the MonaLisa Touch procedure and how it can help address your current issues.

MonaLisa Touch is the only technology for vaginal and vulvar health with over 18+ published clinical studies. It is embraced by hundreds of experts in female pelvic health and premier academic institutions. It is the only treatment with proprietary stacking technology that enables deeper penetration and helps achieve maximum results.


MonaLisa Touch® allows for a functional restoration of the vagina (Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation), which helps fighting and attenuating symptoms related to vaginal atrophy, a widespread problem among pre and postmenopausal women. Thanks to its action on factors that determine dryness, fragility and loss of mucosal elasticity, this treatment can eliminate troublesome itching, irritation and pain, which become particularly acute during intercourse. The interaction with laser is, in fact, the ideal method to stimulate the collagen contained in the vaginal walls for the rehydration and functional tissue restoration. Its beneficial action can contribute to improve self-confidence and sexual pleasure.

No, usually no anaesthesia required. The sensation is a light vibration.

For any woman who want prevent or treat the vaginal symptoms due to estrogenic decrease (in menopause, after a childbirth, after a cancer treatment, or after an eating disturb –anorexia) . Most common symptoms vaginal dryness, laxity, burning, pain during sexual intercourse and mild urinary incontinence. MonaLisa Touch® is the ideal treatment for those who are looking for a less invasive procedure, compared to traditional surgical or pharmaceutical treatments. Remember, no one can advise you better about MonaLisa Touch® and what is best for you to achieve best results than your doctor.

Most treated patients report a reduction in dryness, burning sensation, pain during intercourse, and urinary symptoms which contributes to a substantial improvement in the quality of life. These results are possible, thanks to the stimulation of the mucosa, which regenerates and rejuvenates.

The term “loose vagina” refers to a condition where the diameter of the vagina has increased. This is often caused by natural yet traumatic events, such as giving birth or tissue relaxation due to a natural ageing process. In these cases, it is essential to evaluate the cause and the state of the vagina to exclude a prolapse or an involvement of the muscles. The CO2 fractional laser allows treating those cases where the “loose vagina” is due to a mucosal tone loss.

There are some minimal risks. The treatment is performed on an outpatient or day-hospital basis. Most women report temporary side effects, slight redness or swelling: some discomfort that usually disappears.

It depends on how serious the symptoms are. We usually recommended 1 to 3 treatments, 40-60 days apart, followed by an annual maintenance treatment. In any case, it will be up to your gynecologist, after careful examination, to evaluate and recommend the best treatment plan for you.

The results are immediate, even after the first treatment and improve over subsequent months. The regeneration process that it triggers lasts 40-60 days, after which it is advisable to repeat the treatment.

There is no exclusion criteria for MonaLisa Touch ®, other than those related to serious local or systemic diseases. In general, all women who have vaginal disorders like dryness, laxity, burning and itching can benefit from this treatment; however, your doctor must determine whether you are compatible.

We usually recommend 3 to 4 days of rest before resuming regular sexual activity. In any case, it will be up to your doctor to give you more specific guidance based on the outcome of the treatment.

There are MonaLisa Touch® clinics all over the world. Send an e-mail to with the name of the city where you’d like to do the treatment, and we will get right back to you.

The MonaLisa Touch® procedure is performed using a laser system, SmartXide2, designed and manufactured by DEKA with exclusive technical features, making treatment effective and totally secure. Ask your physician for the original!

For many women, vaginal atrophy not only makes intercourse painful, but also leads to distressing urinary symptoms. Because of the interconnected nature of the vaginal and urinary symptoms of this condition, experts agree that a more accurate term for vaginal atrophy and its accompanying symptoms is “genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM).” We offer an FDA approved, clinically proven vaginal laser treatment called MonaLisa Touch®.   MonaLisa Touch® is a 5-minute, in-office treatment requiring no anesthesia or downtime.

Vaginal dryness” is a common symptom of menopause. It is characterized by a lack of moisture in the vaginal area, which can cause itching, irritation, burning or stinging sensations. During intercourse, vaginal dryness can cause pain and light bleeding. We offer an FDA approved, clinically proven vaginal laser treatment called MonaLisa Touch®.   MonaLisa Touch® is a 5-minute, in-office treatment requiring no anesthesia or downtime.

Dyspareunia is a medical term that simply means “painful intercourse”. It is a general term used to describe all types of sexual pain. Sexual pain may occur upon penetration, during intercourse, and/or following intercourse. It can exist anywhere in the genital area – the clitoris, labia, or vagina, etc. We offer an FDA approved, clinically proven vaginal laser treatment called MonaLisa Touch®.   MonaLisa Touch® is a 5-minute, in-office treatment requiring no anesthesia or downtime.

Menopause can cause many unpleasant symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats, mood instability, anxiety, depression, vaginal dryness, weight gain and poor sleep. We offer a variety of treatment options and lifestyle coaching to help make the menopausal years much more enjoyable.  MonaLisa Touch® vaginal laser therapy is a 5 minute, in-office treatment now available at Hancock Women’s Center.

Urinary incontinence (uncontrollable leakage of urine) is a very common and embarrassing problem in women. The severity can range from barely leaking to “soaking a pad with urine” with every cough or sneeze. We offer many treatment options for urinary incontinence including lifestyle changes, and MonaLisa Touch® vaginal laser therapy.

Lichen sclerosus is a skin disorder that can cause itching, burning, pain during sex, and tears in the skin. The vulvar skin may appear thin, white, and crinkled. MonaLisa Touch® vaginal laser therapy is a 5 minute, in-office treatment now available at Hancock Women’s Center.

Childbirth can stretch the vaginal lining and the birth canal, reducing both tone and strength of the vaginal walls. An overstretched vagina may reduce friction and sensation during sex for both partners. For some women, sexual intercourse can be painful and in some cases, can lead to urinary incontinence and even bowel movement problems. In some cases, woman may also have trouble keeping tampons in place and may encounter gas-like noises during intercourse. The MonaLisa Touch procedure can be performed in the clinic, it does not require anesthesia or down time ensuring the women can return to their normal routine post procedure. It may require 1-3 treatments performed 6 weeks after delivery.

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